Tax Management Solutions
Creat your sign-taxation system with artificial intelligence. Detect all sigboards within days from streel-level-images and have most up-to-date taxation information for target area.
Solution Methods
The algorithm automatically calculates shop signs by analyzing panoramic images taken at street level and records the amount of tax each taxpayer has to pay.

Avoid Observation Based Errors
The method of calculating signage based on human observation is always prone to errors. Get a reliable and error-free database with AI Technology
We provide position and area calculation with centimeter precision at a rate of 90%.
Always Have Most Up-To-Date Data
Having always actual data despite rapidly changing towns and in this example signs? Easy with Mapilio. After each capturing tours, get most up to date data, so that you can compare old and new taxation status.

Get Better and Faster Results With Less Cost
Instead of hiring paid officials for observing signs and calculating taxes, Smartax system is able to handle both of them within days. It can bring you the ability to decrease costs and also use human resources more efficiently.

Start sharing images and accessing map data now.
Mapilio is an independent and unbiased provider of street-level imagery and map data, not affiliated with any particular map platform.