
OpenStreetMap & mapilio loyalty

We are OpenStreetMap Open Data Provider

Data collected by the Mapilio community can be used by anyone with the OpenStreetMap platform.

puzzle map

OpenStreetMap Commitment

As Mapilio, we are committed to supporting the OpenStreetMap community and continuing to do so. We encourage hundreds of our users to make unique captures. In this way, while our community benefits from making captures, we also collect unique data for OpenStreetMap that is available for everyone to use. Strong Community & Up-to-Date Maps!

Rights for OpenStreetMap

All images on Mapilio are published under a CC-BY-SA license, which means anyone can view, share, distribute, and even lightly edit images as long as they cite the source. Similarly, you have the right to use, share, and lightly edit Mapilio's images to create content for OpenStreetMap. Please check the Terms for more information.

OSM & JOSM Under Development

If desired, the inputs such as roadworks, signs, and lights that users capture at street level on Mapilio will be displayed correctly and up-to-date on OpenStreetMap. We are currently heavily focused on this part in our beta application. This process will be completed as quickly as possible, with the first priority being the community's benefit through up-to-date and accurate data.


Start sharing images and accessing map data now.

Mapilio is an independent provider of street-level imagery and map data, not affiliated with OpenStreetMap or any specific map platform.

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Mapilio aims to make the world accessible to everyone by creating better maps from images.

GDPR Compliant

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